(lahir 20 Februari 1947) adalah seorang penulis, pembicara, dan pastor asal Amerika Serikat yang telah menulis banyak buku, terutama dengan fokus pada kepemimpinan.
There's No Such Thing as Business Ethics (There's Only ONE RULE for Making Decisions), Warner Business Books, 2003
The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, Center Street, 2012
The 5 Levels of Leadership, Center Street, 2011
Everyone Communicates, Few Connect: What the Most Effective People Do Differently, Thomas Nelson, 2010
Put Your Dream to the Test, Thomas Nelson, Maret 2009
Leadership Gold: Lessons I've Learned from a Lifetime of Leading, Thomas Nelson, Maret 2008
The 360° Leader, Thomas Nelson, Januari 2006 – Salah satu dari Executive Book Summaries' 30 Best Business Books di tahun 2003
Winning With People, Thomas Nelson, Desember 2004 – Salah satu dari Executive Book Summaries' 30 Best Business Books di tahun 2005
25 Ways to Win with People (pelengkap untuk Winning with People)
Today Matters, Warner Books, April 2004
Thinking For a Change, Warner Business Books, Maret 2003
Your Road Map for Success, Thomas Nelson, Maret 2002 (Judul asli: The Success Journey, Thomas Nelson, 1997)
The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork, Thomas Nelson, Agustus 2001
Failing Forward: Turning Your Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success, Thomas Nelson, 2000
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Thomas Nelson, 1998
Developing the Leaders Around You, Thomas Nelson, 1995 (Dikemas ulang tahun 2003)
Developing the Leader Within You, Thomas Nelson, 1993 (Dikemas ulang tahun 2001)
Be a People Person, Cook Communications (Awalnya oleh Chariot-Victor Books, 1989)
Be All You Can Be, Cook Communications (Awalnya oleh Chariot-Victor Books, 1987)
Make Today Count, Center Street, Edisi Pertama: Juni 2008
How Successful People Think (awalnya diterbitkan dengan judul Thinking for a Change), Center Street, Edisi Pertama: Juni 2009
Intentional Living: Choosing a Life That Matters, Center Street, 2015
Developing the Leader Within You 2.0, HarperCollins, 2018